China Culture

China Culture

China culture,China is a beautiful country in the world. With over 5,000 years history, China has colorful culture. As the third biggest country, China has a vast land with unique and picturesque landmark. However, China is a must-see places to visit
Chinese Religions and Beliefs

Chinese Religions and Beliefs

China is a country with a great diversity of religions, with over 100 million followers of the various faiths

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Chinese Five Elements

Chinese Five Elements

TheChinese Five Elements of wood, fire, Earth, metal and water are associated with five major planets in the Sol

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Chinese Yin-yang

Chinese Yin-yang

The philosophical origins of Chinese medicine have grown out of the tenets of Taoism Taoism bases much of its

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Chinese Four Pillars

Chinese Four Pillars

Also known as Eight Characters or Ba Zi, the Four Pillars of Destiny is a profound system of fortune telling In true fact, it is the translation of the four components of a person s birth data (year, month, day and

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Chinese Iching

Chinese Iching

The I Ching or "Yi Jing ", known as "The Book of Change " or "Classic of Change " , is one of the oldest known

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Chinese Feng Shui

Chinese Feng Shui

Feng means wind and shui is water Ancient Chinese culture associates a gentle wind and smooth, free-flowing water with having plenty and being healthy Famine and disease are linked to harsh winds and stagnant water So, good Feng Shui clears the way fo

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Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac,known as 生肖(Sheng Xiao), isbased on a twelve-year cycle, each year in thatcycle related to an

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Chinese Lucky Numbers

Chinese Lucky Numbers

Number is an important tool inaccessing Chinese culture Knowing the implicit meanings behind numbers will not onl

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Chinese Calendar

Chinese Calendar

The lunar calendar (nóng lì) is a traditional Chinese calendar The beginnings of the Chinese calenda

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Changsha Xiangya Hospital

Changsha Xiangya Hospital

The International Medical Department of Xiangya Hospitalis committed to providing world-class medical services for f

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