China Culture

China Culture

China culture,China is a beautiful country in the world. With over 5,000 years history, China has colorful culture. As the third biggest country, China has a vast land with unique and picturesque landmark. However, China is a must-see places to visit
Chinese Behavior Custom

Chinese Behavior Custom

With a move to a more cosmopolitan culture particularly in cities some customs and traditions are in steep decli

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Chinese Birthday Custom

Chinese Birthday Custom

Regardless of the celebration s scale, peaches and noodles--both signs of long life--are required When the noodles are cooked, they should not be cut short, as shortened noodles can have a bad implication Everyone at the celebration eats the two foods

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Chinese Traditional Wedding

Chinese Traditional Wedding

Wedding ceremony ison the selected day Chinese people believe that wedding ceremoney is the most important thing

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Chinese Traditional Marriage

Chinese Traditional Marriage

Nowadays, it is also very important in China for a couple to follow a basic principle of the "Three Letters and Six Etiquettes " since they were essential to a marriage

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Chinese Drama

Chinese Drama

Chinese Drama offers Zaju (Tsa-Chu Drama) in the Yuan Dynasty belongs to Yuan Qu and as its main branch it was w

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Chinese Prose

Chinese Prose

Prose is a narrative genre that expresses the author s true feelings and flexible writing style With the development of the times, the concept of prose changed from broad to narrow, and was influenced by Western culture In ancient China, prose

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Chinese Poetry

Chinese Poetry

Chinese Poetry is one of the earliest literature artistic forms as well as the most fully developed in China C

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 Chinese Fiction

Chinese Fiction

After long years of development, Chinese fiction began to take shape during the period of the Wei, Jin and Northe

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Chinese mythology

Chinese mythology

Chinese mythology is a literary style created by people in ancient China through long-term social practice in the

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Yayue Dance

Yayue Dance

Yayue Dance, a royal court dance in ancient China, which was a form of music and dance performed in ceremonies

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