For taking
China domestic flights, some special articles such as liquid will be in a restriction according to the Civil Aviation Administration of
China. Here are some tips for you to know that.
What articles may be in the liquid item category?
In China domestic flight, the following items may be in the liquid category:
1. Drinks: mineral water, soft drink, soup, sugar water, etc.
2. Cream cosmetics: face/skin lotion, skin care oil, perfume, etc.
3. Spray: shaver foam, body mist, etc.
4. Contact lens care solution
5. Gel products such as hair gel or gel shampoo, etc.
6. Any consistency similar solution and goods
How about the liquid restriction of China domestic flight?
For carry-on luggage liquid limitation. It is forbidden to carry any liquid items in your carry-on luggage. Liquid items which are purchased in airport lounge can be packed into your carry-on luggage.
For checked luggage liquid limitation:
Put the liquid items into a sealed transparent plastic bag, each liquid item should be put in less than 100ML container
For alcohol items limitation:
Alcohol items must be packed into checked luggage
1. Less than 24% (including 24%) alcohol with no capacity limitation
2. Between 25% (incl. 25%) and 70% (incl. 70%) alcohol within 5L capacity limitation
3. More than 70% alcohol could not be brought on the airplane
How about the cosmetics restrictions?
Passengers who take daily used cosmetics into the carry-on luggage, each container shall be no more than 100 ml in volume. Better to pack these items in a plastic bag for checking conveniently.
How about the restriction for China airport transiting passengers?
Passengers who have China airport transiting procedure need to pack the duty-free liquid items in a sealed plastic transparent bag and show the invoices of them to China custom. After checking, you can take them with you.
My baby needs to drink milk on the flight, how can I do?
For passengers who carry infants on the flight, there are two suggested ways for you:
1) When purchasing the ticket, please inform the airline that your baby needs to drink milk on the flight, the airline will prepare for you.
2) Take your own milk with a limited volume, but it will be check.