Kudzu Powder is a kind of Pueraria Powders, which is starch obtained by water-milling the roots of the wild leguminous plant Pueraria lobata Ohwi, also known as Kudzu which grows
China except Xinjiang and
Kudzu, also known as Pueraria lobata Ohwi or Ge 葛 in Chinese, is a perennial deciduous vine with a length of 10m. The whole plant is yellowish brown hair. The roots are cylindrical, thick, with a grayish-yellow skin, internal silty, and very fibrous. The base of the stem is thick and the upper part is branched. Three-leaf compound leaves; terminal lobes long; leaf blade rhomboid, 5.5–5 cm long, 4.5–18 cm wide, apex acuminate, base sateate, sometimes lobed, lateral lobes smaller, obliquely ovate, The sides are not equal, the back is pale, with a powdery cream, both sides are white pubescent pubescent; stipules scalloped, ovate long elliptic, small stipules needle-like.

Racemes axillary or terminal, corolla blue-purple or purple; bracts narrowly linear, caducous, sateately ovate or lanceolate; sateate sateate, ca. 0.8-1 cm, ca. 5, lanceolate, upper 2 teeth connate, lower 1 teeth longer; flagate nearly round or ovoid, apex dimpled, base with two short ears, narrowly valvate, shorter than the flag, often abaxially at the base, keel Stamens slightly longer; stamens 10, dimer; ovate linear, style curved. The pod is linear, 6-9 cm long and 7-10 mm wide. It is densely tanned and bristly. The seeds are oval, russet and shiny. Flowering period from April to August, fruiting period from August to October.
Pharmacological action of Kudzu Powder
1. Puerarin has the function of dilating the coronary arteries and cerebral arteries, which can lower blood pressure and significantly increase the blood supply of ischemic tissue.
2, Containing more than 10 kinds of amino acids and more than 10 kinds of trace elements required by the human body.
3, It has a certain anti-cancer effect.