Jilin Weather

Jilin province is located in the middle latitude region of north hemisphere and the east of Eurasia Continent. It belongs to the furthermost northern temperate zone near semi-frigid zone. The east part lies close to the Japanese sea and Yellow sea, where is warm, humid and rainy, while under the influence of Siberian climate, lying on the Mongol Plateau, the west is dry with much sands blown by wind, there is less rain and four seasons are distinctive.
Jilin Province is one of regions in northeast China, where is the coldest part in the country. Generally speaking, Jilin weather features temperate monsoon climate and pretty cold and long winter. In addition, the spring there is dry and windy, summer is hot, and autumn is cool. There are large temperature differences both daily and annually, as the daily range is about 10-14 ºC and the annual range is up to 35-42ºC. The average temperature in winter is under -11ºC, and the summer temperature there is higher than 23ºC at average.

The regional differences of Jilin climate in its northwest and southeast parts are also obvious. The northwest plain near Inner Mongolia is dryer, while the mountainous area in the southeast are wetter comparatively, because it is closer to the sea. Most of rainfalls happen in the east part and in summer as well.

Best Time to Visit Jilin

Jilin China weather is suitable to visit all year around, for there are blooming flowers in spring and colorful autumn leaves in fall. In summer, it’s a great place to avoid intolerable heat in other part of China; in winter, the snow and rimes are the most attractive things to see. From late October to March the next year, tens of thousands of tourists go to Jilin for winter fun, thus the period becomes the peak season of Jilin tourism.

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