All-fish banquets

All-fish banquets is a kind of  traditional  banquet for  Mongolian people only to welcome the VIP guests. Sometimes, it usually offers in the important meeting,wedding or festivals. But nowadays it is lucky we can offer if you want to taste the All-fish banquets while you traveling in Inner Mongolia Region.
The carp, crucian carp, and white fish in Hulun Lake, Inner Mongolia, are nutritious and rich in protein, mineral salts, carbohydrates, fat and vitamins and can be used for as many as 120 dishes, combined with Hulun shrimp and other ingredients.
All-fish banquets include more than 120 dishes made from unpolluted fish or shrimp from Hulun Lake. All-fish banquets can have 12, 14, 20, 24 or even more than 100 courses made from carp, crucian, and shrimp prepared by boiling, steaming, frying, stewing, etc.

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