If you plan your Heilongjiang trip, it is the best to know more information about Heilongjiang Weather and climate.In summer, if you go to Heilongjiang province, you will feel cool and comfortable. Average temperature is around 18ºC to 23ºCin July. It's definitely a summer resort. In winter, you will experience harsh and extreme cold. Winter there is long, cold and dry. In January, average temperature is about -31ºCto -15ºC, and the record low temperature was -52.3ºC. So wrap up before you go, or purchase the fine quality leather hats, overcoats and shoes there to keep you warm. Annual average rainfall is 250 to 700 millimeters (9.8 to 27.56 inches), so the crops grow well and the typical northeast foods are dumplings, bread and sausages.
If you want to see a white wonderland in
China, you should go to Heilongjiang. You will have a chance to enjoy the Ski Festival and Ice Festival held every year, and also the culture in the famous music town Harbin. Ski resorts, Russian-style architecture, virgin forests, hot springs, magical volcano gardens, mountain lakes and northern lights will treat visitors a fancy trip to Heilongjiang.
The national Ski Festival is a wonderful program for those who like skiing; and the national Ice Festival displays the exquisite art of ice carvings and its elegant masterpieces. Both festivals are held annually from December to January. During the famous Summer Concerts in Harbin you will hear the most beautiful music in the world, especially the Chinese classical music. All this is pleasing to all both your eyes and ears.
Every year, tourists from various countries gather here in the winter months just to get a glimpse of snow. For some visitors it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see snow.