From Malaysia to Guilin: daily flight details: Departure: Kuala Lumpur AK102 6:40 AM Arrival: 10:40 am Guilin
Get to Guilin From Australia or New Zealand
You can take flight to Hong Kong, Shanghai or Guangzhou first then take transmitting flight to Guilin. The latest flight from Shanghai to Guilin is about 16:30 PM. The latest flight from Guangzhou to Guilin is about 21:30 PM.
Get to Guilin From European and American countries
You can take flight to Shanghai,Beijing or Hong Kong first, then take transmitting flights to Guilin. Usually you can have much better rates for airfare if you book round way tickets to Hong Kong for coming & leaving mainland China.
It is always convenient coming from Hong Kong and there are two flights from Hong Kong to Guilin everyday. You can book the tickets easily from all over the world. It takes you about one hour to get to Guilin.
Get to Guilin from Shenzhen
Flights from Shenzhen to Guilin
Flight Number: CZ 3240 Departing Time: 10:10 Arrival Time: 11:10
Flight Number: CZ 3240 Departing Time: 14:15 Arrival Time: 15:15
Flight Number: CZ 3951 Departing Time: 19:15 Arrival Time: 20:15
Flight Number: ZH 9837 Departing Time: 20:20 Arrival Time: 21:20
Flight Number: CZ 3963 Departing Time: 20:50 Arrival Time: 21:55
Flight Number: ZH 9957 Departing Time: 21:00 Arrival Time: 22:00
Bus from Shenzhen to Guilin :
Overnight Express Sleeper bus, this is cheap and comfortable, most buses are nice and clean and takes you about 14 hours to get to Guilin. you can buy the tickets from the Lowu Bus Station or the agents of Hong Kong. The price is about 250 Yuan from Shenzhen to Guilin by Sleeper Bus.
Train from Shenzhen to Guilin
By bullet train from Shenzhen to Guilin is only 3.5 hours ride. By Train from Shenzhen to Guilin The Lowu Train Station is very close to Lowu Bus Station.
Guilin's new international airport is 30 kilometers west of the city and about a 40 minutes ride to Guilin city, one and half hour ride to Yangshuo, 2 and half hours to Longji Rice Terraces.