Tortoise Mountain Scenic Area

Tortoise Mountain Scenic Area, famous for Tortoise Mountain (Guishan Mountain) is located in the central section of Dabie Mountains. It is about 100 kilometers away from Wuhan city and 21 kilometers from Macheng city. The mountain range comprises summits for tortoise head, back and tail. It stretches 16 kilometers long and seven kilometers wide. The highest peak is 1,320 meters above the sea level. The magical Tortoise Summit, a landmark scene, is a natural treasure bestowed by the universe. It resembles a giant tortoise raising its head towards the sky. The mountain, looking like a tortoise to stretching towards heaven, has become a geological wonder and is reputed as the Best Tortoise of the world. It is also known as Mountain of Longevity. The mountain is famous for the rare, risky, steep and elegant natural sights. It is an attraction to tourists from various places and is also a renowned summer resort in eastern Hubei with temperatures averaging 23℃ during the season.

Tortoise Mountain has over 100,000 mu azalea (Rhododendronsimsii), with trees aged at 100 years old. The biggest azalea trees can have as many as 56 branches with trunk branches ranging from 6-10cm in diameter. The crown stretches six meters in diameter and covers 35 square meters. It is the largest century-old Rhododendronsimsii ecological colony in the country. Compared with ordinary azalea colonies, Tortoise Mountain colony has experienced natural evolution over millions of years. The vegetation colony has been well preserved. It is spread wide and high (31 degrees northern latitude and 1,200 meters above the sea level), is concentrated in large areas and is of high botanical and ecological values. These are the most ideal samples to study ancient azalea colonies. The colony is unique in the world and important for scientific research because it is old and well preserved with wide coverage.

Ttravel Tips
Add: 21 kilometers from Macheng city.,Huanggang City of Hubei Province
Entrance Fees: CNY120
Opening Hours:08:00-18:00

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