Shiqiao Miao Village

Shiqiao Miao Village is located in Danzhai County, about 33 km from downtown Kaili City, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Southwestern China's Guizhou Province. Currently, Shiqiao Miao village has over 300 households with a total population of more than 1300. There are about 60 households are engaged in paper-making. There is no denying that most Miao people there are good at paper-making. It is a good place for travelers, especially for calligraphers to experience and learn the traditional paper-making.

What to see?
The rapid development of technology driving ancient techniques of hand-made paper to be replaced by modern production and process did not happen in Shiqiao Miao Village. Villagers cling to earning their living by producing and selling hand-made papers and products. According to the record, the traditional hand-made paper in Shiqiao Miao Village has a history of more than 1,000 years. Learning form Han people’s experience, Shiqiao Miao people make high-quality paper using spring water, tree roots as well as bark.
The villagers live a self-sufficient life in this utopia when harmony dominates. Though lacking of modern comforts, museums and concerts, they are not less healthy, happy, passionate and creative than us. Nurtured by the enticing landscape, they have cultivated brave, considerate, kind, sincere, profound and innocent character. Rather than set up defense against each other, they open heart to others include outsiders and treat them like family members.
Against the tide of urbanization which sweeps away China and eliminates traditional culture, art, festivals and industries on a large scale mercilessly, Miao people here still cling to their primitive lifestyle and time-honored traditions include paper making technique. Thanks to them, we can examine our lifestyle, view this world from another perspective and go back to the childhood of human civilization.

Travel Tips
Add: Shiqiao Township,Danzhai County,Qiandongnan Prefecture,Guizhou Province
Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00
Entrance Fee: CNY 0

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